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Consignment Machinery, Vehicles, Tools Results
July 26, 2003
These are results of some of the larger &
special interest items:
JD #7700 combine - $5100
JD #222 flex header - $4000
MF #750 combine - $5800
MF #9122 flex header - $4250
MF #1859 24' straight header - $2600
MF #1859 20' straight header - $2700
Header trailer - $1200
Int. #1482 combine - $1300
MF #851 combine - $1400
Int. #1460 combine - $13000
40' weed wick - $1350
Scamper truck camper - $1200
JD 9' haybine - $1100
Small hopper feed bin - $950
Hay - $20 per 1000lb bale
Bin #1 - $1350
Bin #2 - $1550
Bin #4 - $1200
Bin #6 - $1200
Bin #8 - $1300
Bin #10 - $1700
Case #448 garden tractor & attachments - $1075