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Consignment Machinery, Vehicle Auction Results -
June 14, 2014
2000 Ford F150 - $4750
1990 Jeep YJ - $3800
2007 Trail Tech 18' car trailer - $2800
Brandt 7" X 40' auger with mover - $2800
32' flat deck trailer - $3200
Single axle dolly - $1500
JD 535 balers - $3500 & $2000
Hesston #856A blaer - $3600
Highline bale processor - $2900
CaseIH #8380 haybine - $3000
NH #1475 haybine - $5000
Hesston $6450 haybine/swather - $5300
Steel loading chute - $2050
HYdraulic posthole auger - $1100
Panterra sid-by-side - $2400
Baja 4-wheeler - $1200
Lawn/Garden tractors
- $200 to $1000