September Sheep & Goats
Sep.19, 2020

1930 head - 1535 sheep, 395 goats

Breeding Ewes / Ewe Lambs sold from $180 to $275
Rams sold from $225 to $400
Heavier wool lambs sold from $207 to $300
Medium wool lambs sold from $147 to $220
Lighter & small wool lambs sold from $97 to $145

Heavy & medium cull ewes sold from $270 to $280
Lighter cull ewes sold for $202
Dorp/Kat cull ewes sold for $170

Breeding does/doelings sold up to $360
Bucks sold up to $560
Heavy Butcher kids sold for $340
Better feeder kid goats sold from $95 to $235

Llamas sold up to $200