Cow/calf Pairs, Bred Heifers, Bred Cows
Saturday, May 28, 2022   1:00 PM

Consignments to Date: information sheet now online

  • *Tolsma Farm Cow/calf Pair Dispersal
         120 cow calf pairs - March/April calves & vaccinated with Tasvax8 and Pyramid FP5 Presponse
         There are many 3rd calvers, and the age range goes up to 8 yrs.
         75 BBF, 25 Black, 20 Red & CharX
         This herd has been culled hard to eliminate udder, feet, and attitude problems
          Slide Show of Pics
  • *Fisher Pairs
         21 Red/Black/Tan cows with calves - vaccinated with Vision 8 Somnus w/SPUR & Vista Once SQ
         Calves born late March & April - the calves are Red or Tan or Silver
         Calves also were implanted with Component TE-G with Tylan
  • *5 HereXSimm 2nd-3rd calvers with February born calves at side
         Pic1   Pic2   Pic3
  • *Andrews Open Heifers
         28 Open Replacement Heifers:
            12 Red, 9 Black, 6 CharX
         Red1    Red2    CharX1     CharX2     CharX3     CharX4    Silvers    Black1    Black2
  • *We will hve more consignments of pairs and breds of various ages and breeds - 150-175 expected

DLMS  You can view and bid online for this auction. Visit to register and bid.
Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help