Bred Cows & Heifers
Tuesday, December 22, 2020   1:00 PM

DLMS  You can view and bid online for this auction. Visit to register and bid.
Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help

Info & Preg sheet is now online - click HERE

South View Customer Bred Heifers:

  • *R B D Ranch (Dean and Barry McKim)
         *14 Red Angus X Simmental Heifers bred Red Angus to start mid-Feb, Both shots of Scourguard
         * 3 Red Angus X Simmental (Tan) Heifers bred Red Angus to start Apr.1
          All vaccinated with Vira Shield 6, Scour Boss 4 & Bimectin
          Slide Show of Pics 
  • *Catley Ranches
    *50 Straight Black Heifers AI'd to a Black Angus Kaufman bull
           All bred between July 11 to July 30 (to start calving mid-April)
          Video of Heifers        Hfrs1     Hfrs2      Hfrs3
  • *South View Ranch
         *9 Black Heifers due to calve May/June

Dispersals & Other Bred Heifers:

  • *Deaust Cowherd Dispersal
         *123 Red/RBF cows from Bred Heifers to 7 years old.
             -19 Heifers bred Black Angus (74lbs) for 1 month, then Red Angus to start calving March 1
             -104 Cows from 2nd to 7th calvers bred Red Angus to start calving March 1.
           Phizer Gold vaccination program, Ivomeced
           This is a closed herd - all cows are home-raised.
           Normally 80% of the cows calve in March.
           Slide Show of Pics
  • *Sigmeth Major Reduction of Young Cows
    20+ Black cows, 3-8 yrs, bred BAngus to start calving mid April
           Cows1     Cows2     Cows3     Cows4
  • *Block Bred Heifers & Cows
    *18 Simm X BAng heifers bred to low birth weight BAngus to start calving April 1
         *9 Straight BAngus heifers bred to low birth weight BAngus to start calving April 1
          Heifer pics:  Hfrs1     Hfrs2     Hfrs3     Hfrs4     Hfrs5
         *6 BAngus cows bred BAngus to start calving April 1
  • *Lunde Bred Heifers
     *1 RBF & 1 Blk heifer bred RAngus to start caling early Apr - mid May
  • *Elford Bred Heifers
          *9 Black Angus/Herford (Blk/BBF/BWF) F1 heifers exposed to easy calving RAngus bull
           to start calving Mar 25. Exposed June 15-July 28, checked 28 days after bulls were
           pulled, all but 1 is bred to calve 1st cycle. Bovishield Gold Vaccine Program, tasvax &
           Hfrs1          Hfrs2         Hfrs3          Hfrs4          Hfrs5          SvrSire1          SvrSire2
  • *Coghlin Heifers
          *10 Red Angus Heifers bred Red Angus to start April 1
  • *Clemens Cows
    10 Simm Cows bred Simmental or Black Angus for May/June calving, Ivomeced, ViraShield
  • *Lanoie Bred Cows
          *20 Mixed breed cows including 2 JerseyX cows - heifers bred-Gelbvieh, cows bred-RChar
           or RSimm to start calving late March
           Slide Show of Pics
  • *We expect more heifers and cows of various breeds and ages
This cattle sale will be conducted as planned, but due to the Saskatchewan Emergency Health Order, crowds will be limited in our sale arena,
and masks are mandatory in the sale arena and lobby.

We encourage you to come to pre-view the cattle Friday before the sale. You will be able to bid live online with DLMS or over the phone or leaving a confidential proxy bid with sale staff. Order buyers will also be available.

If you are hesitant to be out in crowds, please use the online, phone or proxy bidding options.

To those wanting to come to the auction, please come by yourself to limit the crowd size, and you can participate in the auction as usual.
Those of you who come for the socializing, we will welcome you back when the Emergency Health Order is over, but for now, please stay home and view the sale online.