Dispersals / Bred Cows / Bred Hfrs
Saturday, December 21, 2024 12:00 Noon
Consignments to Date: Preg/Info sheet is now online
- *Bale King Vortex 880 Processor to sell at 11:50 back pic inside pic
- *90 small square hay bales to sell at 11:50 - free delivery within 30 miles
- *City View Farms (Seman Family) Bred Heifers (10th Annual)
*30 Red Simmental Red/RBF Heifers (75% to full Simmental)
Bred Red Angus to start late February (50 day exposure)
Home raised heifers, full herd health & will have both ScourBoss shots 4 & 9
Bovishield Gold FP5 VL5
Slide Show of Pics
- *Clubbe Bred Heifers
*30+ SimmXRAng (Red/RBF) & 9 Black Simm Heifers
bred to Abound Black Angus bulls to start calving Jan.20 (60-day exposure)
1st ScourBoss shot, full herd health.
Slide Show of Pics
- *Knox Bred Heifers
*30+ Red SimmX Heifers bred Red Angus to start calving earlier March
Bovisheild Gold FP5,
1st Scour Guard
Slide Show of Pics
- *Olson Bred Heifers
*70 Red/RBF SimmX Heifers bred Red Angus to start calving mid-February
Slide Show of Red/RBF Pics Video of Red/RBF Hfrs
*15 Blk/BBF SimmX bred Red Angus to start calving mid-February
Slide Show of Blk/BBF Pics Video of Blk/BBF Hfrs
*70 CharX Tan Heifers bred Red Angus to start calving mid-February
Slide Show of Tan Pics Video of CharX Tan Hfrs
Bulls went out May 6 for 35 days.
Pre breeding Bovi-shield Gold One shot and Vision 8
Fall Ivermectin and First shot Guardian scour vaccine
- *Kutcher Bred Heifers
*24 Red & Tan Heifers bred Red Angus to start calving March 15
Ivomec, Sure Guard, Scour Bos 9
Slide Show of Pics
- *Ailsacraig Bred Heifers
*9 CharX Tan Heifers bred calving-easy Black Angus to start later March
Slide Show of Pics
- *Church Hill Bred Heifers
*25 CharX Heifers bred Red Angus to start calving March 20 (45-day exposure)
On the CattleMaster Program, Ultrabac7, Ivomeced
Slide Show of Pics
- *Lightfoot Bred Heifers
*10 Black/BBF heifers bred Black Angus
5 Blacks due March 10 to Mead Magnitude
1 BBF due March 10 to SAV Autograph
2 BBF due March 25-30 to Peak Dot Collassal or Peak Dot Attractive
1 first-calf heiferette bred Peak Dot Attractive or Hereford due Apr.15
We will have expected calving dates for each one from earlier March to mid-April
Full herd health. All had Express 5, Somnugen, Multi-Min & Vit AD pre-breeding
and in September. Backline given Nov.1
- *We expect many consignments of bred cows & heifers for this auction - check back
You can view and bid online for the commercial cattle auctions.
Visit dlms.ca to register and bid.
Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help.