Claffey Dispersal
Saturday, January 13, 2024 12:00 Noon
Consignments to Date: Preg sheet now online
- *Claffey Dispersal of 300 Black & Red Hfrs/Cows bred B/RSimm (Ashworth bulls)
to start earlier April with a 60-day exposure
Bovishield shots, Vit AD, Ivomeced
This herd includes
*58 - Bred Heifers (60% Black, 40% Red) - bred to calving ease bulls
Slide Show of Bred Heifers
*54 - 2nd calvers (Most Black, some Red)
Slide Show of 2nd calvers
*55 - 3rd calvers (60% Black, 40% Red)
*140 4th - 6th calvers (60% Black, 40% Red)
Slide Show of 3rd - 7th calvers
You can view and bid online for the commercial cattle auctions.
Visit to register and bid.
Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help.