Dispersals, Bred Hfrs, Bred Cows
Saturday, February 24, 2024 12:00 Noon
Consignments to Date: Preg sheet now online
- *Vicky Sattler Dispersal
*45 Hereford and HereXSimm cows bred Simmental to start mid-April
8 of them are Heifers bred Jersey
6-week exposure
Slide Show of Cow Pics
- *Noble Dispersal
*60 mostly Blk/BBF Cows (some Red/Silver) bred Black Angus to calving April 1
20 of the cows are 2nd & 3rd calvers, the rest up to 6th
Slide Show of Cow Pics
- *Weisbeck Bred Heifers
*5 Red Angus heifers bred Red Angus to start calving later March
- *Plewis Bred Heifers
*11 Red/RBF Heifers bred Black Angus to start calving Apr.2
Early spring preg checking showed they should all calve in the 1st cycle
Spring vaccinated with Triangle 5 and Covexin+
Delice and Saber January 5 and on Boss feed tubs for minerals
Slide Show of Cow Pics
- *Kesslering Reduction
*10 CharX Tan heifers bred Red Angus to start calving mid-March
*20 Char X Tan/Red cows bred Red Angus to start mid-March
The cattle have been ScourGuarded
Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4
- *Knudson Cows
*20 younger cows bred Red Angus or Charolais to start calving the end of March
Cow pic 1 Cow pic 2
- *Schrenk Cows
*14 Cows bred Black Simmental to start calving mid-March
- *2 Registered Red Angus 2nd calvers
April calvers and are just too late for our Jan/Feb calving program
Bred to the Red High Tide bull - RW 49J - 80lb bw - and used on all heifers with zero assistance last year!
Vira Shield 6, UltraChoice 8 and Ivomec’ed on Nov 1/2023
We do the fall vaccination with killed vaccine
Extremely quiet pair of cows nice good feet and nice udders! Transfers available if wanted.
PDG 405J - Reg Papers PDG 425J - Reg Papers pic of service sire - sire's pedigree
- *We expect 200 bred cows and heifers for this auction
You can view and bid online for the commercial cattle auctions.
Visit dlms.ca to register and bid.
Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help.