On-Farm Live Machinery Auction
For Laverne & Donna Messner
Sunday, October 6, 2024   10:30 AM
Directions: South of Moose Jaw on #2 Highway 35km, then south on #36 Highway 13km OR
27km north of Crane Valley on #36 Highway, east side
Land Location: SE13-12-27-W2      GPS: 49.992, -105.561
Lunch will be sold by the Missouri Coteau 4-H club


NOTE: this sale will not have online bidding - come in person or call to leave a proxy by October 4.
For specific information call Laverne at 306-631-1804 or Donna at 306-631-7606

Livestock / Haying Equipment:

Trucks, Trailers, RV:

Field Equipment / Auger:

Yard Equipment:

Shop Tools, etc:

Yard / Ornamental items:etc: